Before Care and After Care for all services provided by Lust Aesthetics.
*If you are being treated to any procedures involving your eyes, we ask you to please remove all traces of make up prior to your appointment.
*If you wear Contact Lenses and are being treated to any treatment involving your Brows or Eyes, we ask that you please remove your contact lenses prior to your appointment.
*For Best Waxing Results to any area, Exfoliate the area 3 days prior and the day prior to your appointment. This helps release any hair ready to come up from underneath the skin, and will help prevent new hair breaking through a few days post treatment.
*If you are being treated to any Body Waxing, try to wear loose clothing around the Waxed Area. This will help prevent irritation and infection.
*If you would like to receive a Patch Test prior to your appointment, please call Lust Aesthetics on
0477 567 711 and we will organise you a quick consultation at no charge.
- Lash Tints last on average 4 weeks - this is dependent on many environmental, genetic and hormonal factors
- No shampoo near the lashes for minimum 24 hours after treatment.
- Please notify Lust Aesthetics of any reactions you may have so we can update your client information.
- If you become concerned about any reactions to your treatment, please seek advice from your nearest medical professional.
- Brow Tints last on average 2- 3 weeks - this is dependent on many environmental, genetic and hormonal factors
- No shampoos, cleansers, make up removers to the Brow area for 24 hours after treatment.
- Please notify Lust Aesthetics of any reactions you may have so we can update your client information.
- If you become concerned about any reactions to your treatment, please seek advice from your nearest medical professional.
Waxing results vary dependent on the area and lifestyle, environmental, hormonal and genetic factors. On average: facial, bikini and underarms waxing results last 3-4 weeks. Leg, arm, chest and back waxing results last 4-6 weeks.
In the first 24 hours, to avoid infection, it is advised to avoid:
*Tight garments such as legging, tights, synthetic underwear and items with tight elastic in the treated area.
*Swimming - salt and chlorinated water
*Use of deodorants and perfumes in the treated area
*Hot baths and showers
*Saunas or spas
*Excessive steam
*Perfumed soaps
*Exfoliating cleansers and masks
*Use of loofah in the treated area
*Physical activity that causes excessive sweating i.e Gym
*Constantly touching the treated area - infection can pass from your hands to the treated area
- If face is treated, avoid make up for 4-12 hours after treatment
-Moisturise after treatment
- Exfoliate 72 hours after treatment, and exfoliate 2-3 times per week following treatment, this helps prevent ingrown hairs
- You may use a hair retarder to help combat hair growth
- Please notify Lust Aesthetics of any reactions you may have so we can update your client information.
- If you become concerned about any reactions to your treatment, please seek advice from your nearest medical professional.
-Lash Lifts last on Average 6-8 weeks. They can last as long as 12 weeks. This is dependent on environmental, genetic, hormonal and lifestyle factors.
- Do not play or rub your lashes, this can cause the lift to drop and create annoyance and an uneven appearance.
Make sure you Brush your lashes daily, first thing of a morning is best. If you let your lashes stay zig zagged, they will grow that way!
-In the first 24 hours, it is advised to avoid:
*Excessive hot water or steam on lashes
*AVOID Waterproof Mascaras
*Shampoo, make-up, un-approved conditioners, un-approved make up removers, creams, and eye serums to the lash and eye area
- Please notify Lust Aesthetics of any reactions you may have so we can update your client information.
- If you become concerned about any reactions to your treatment, please seek advice from your nearest medical professional.
This should help you maintain your Amazing New Look!
If you have any questions, please give us a call on 0477 567 711