Got a burning question about Cosmetic Tattoo and need it answered now, this is for you.
Here are some things to be aware of before booking:
If you have previous Cosmetic Tattoo in the treatment area, you MUST consult with Lust Aesthetics PRIOR to booking your initial appointment. Not all tattoo can be worked with and may require removal prior to touch up. Please do not book without having a chat with us first.
2 Weeks Prior to procedure - No chemical peels, cosmetic injectables, sunburn, discontinue use of Active Skin Care such as retinols/vitamin A in the treatment area. No brow waxing, lamination or colouring in any form.
If you have any kind of medical condition such as epilepsy, diabetes, cancer, immunocompromised in any way, you must seek written approval from your health care professional prior to booking.
The night before procedure, try to avoid alcohol - this can cause excessive bleeding during treatment which results in less pigment being held and poorer results.
On the day, avoid caffeine and energy drinks, this can make you jittery and make your face move involuntarily, which makes the process harder for both of us.
Anaesthetic is a scheduled medicine and Under Australian Law it is illegal to be provided by anyone that is not a Registered Nurse or Doctor (which Lust Aesthetics is neither).
This means you are required to source and purchase the numbing gel for yourself. I will provide a link down the bottom to a compounding chemist I recommend. There will be a form to complete and purchase the numbing gel. This can either be collected by you from the pharmacy, or can be sent directly to salon.
This numbing must be arranged and paid for at least 10 days prior to your booking, as it is a compound product, the pharmacy needs to have time to create and send the product out.
DO NOT Purchase any old numbing from the chemist (for example emla cream) as this DOES NOT contain all the required ingredients for the procedure. One ingredient in the compounding gel helps prevent excessive bleeding (which in turn helps retain pigment and result in a better tattoo for you). This is not a step to skip out on.
Click on this link, or you may have to copy and paste it into your browser. In the link there is a section saying what type of numbing do you require.
Then where it says select artist, click the drop down bar to select Lust Aesthetics
Then complete the rest of the form.
Everyday After the Tattoo - clean area very gently with water (and you can also use a gentle cleanser such as cetaphil/QV face wash).
But you don't want to excessively soak the area with water, such as holding your face under constant water such as face first in the shower, or swimming underwater in a poo/beach etc.
The key is to keep the area CLEAN but not soggy with water.
When applying aftercare cream from day 4 onwards, clean the area with water first and dab dry with a tissue. DO NOT RUB especially don't use a towel to dry the area (towels tend to be rough as well as harbour bacteria).
Then apply the aftercare with a fresh cotton bud.
Do this of a morning and night. Making sure you clean away any existing aftercare from the area before applying new aftercare/.
This Minimum Water Exposure is for the first 10 Days after tattoo.
No excessive sweating for minimum 7 days post procedure. Including extremely hot days out in the sun and through exercise.
DO NOT Touch your Brows for the first 24 hours with anything including water, after care etc.
DO NOT PICK at any scabbing - this will effect how much pigment remains and will effect results, I'll be able to tell who has been following this and who has been picking.
No makeup in the area for 14 days. Apply any makeup near it but leave a gap around the area. This can cause infection as it is an open wound.
No retinols or exfoliating products or items for 28 days after procedure.
And moving forward go around the area when applying these products as these products can speed up how fast your body metabolises the pigment, meaning you need touch ups more often.
When going out in the sun, protect the area with a hat or some kind of coverage.
Use common sense when it comes to the healing process. The tattoo is an open wound. Do not apply anything or do anything to the area that you wouldn't do to a cut or burn.
Don't judge your Brows for the first 14 days. Trust me, there's days they may look a bit scary. This is all part of it. Trust the process and it will all work out.
Day 1 + Colour will be extremely intense within a few hours of the initial appointment. You may experience some slight redness and swelling. This is all normal and will subside.
Day 3 + Your Brows may be a little itchy. This is because they are healing. DO NOT SCRATCH THEM.
They may even appear slightly thicker. Light flaking may begin to appear.
Day 4 + You may start applying after care to clean brows morning and night from Days 4 - 10
Day 5+ There will be flaking and scabbing of the Brows. This is normal. AGAIN DO NOT PICK AT THESE SCABS.
Day 10+ The scabbing phase should have subsided by now and your brows may appear a lot lighter and faded. This is normal as the pigment is settling. The colour will start reappearing from weeks 3 - 6.
Week 10 + Your Skin and Brows are all completed healed, you'll be ready for your touch up.
Everyone's healed results will vary. These are due to many factors in and out of our control. Such as adhering to aftercare instructions, how your skin and body reacts, and what your skin type is like.
There is No Guarantees as to how results will look. Most people only require 2 sessions, but others may require more. If you bleed excessively or require a more intense look, a Third session can be arranged at an additional price.
Cosmetic Tattoo will require top ups anywhere from 12-36 months depending on your individual factors. It is a very low maintenance treatment, but will still requires some upkeep. Such touch up tattoo appointments and brow waxing to maintain the shape.
If for any reason you feel you may have had a rare allergic reaction or infection, please seek Medical Help Immediately. I am not qualified to advise on any medical issues.